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Xi 'an Tap Water Second Engineering Co., Ltd


Address:20 Huancheng West Road South Section, Xi 'an City

Corporate Activities

Diversified development, seeking innovation and change, consolidating cohesion, and embarking on a new journey

Author:servicer Time:2024-02-29 16:18:04 Views:3084

      On the morning of February 27th, the company held the 2024 Work Conference and Commendation Conference, which comprehensively reviewed and summarized the company's work for 2023, arranged and deployed key tasks for 2024, mobilized the whole company to further consolidate consensus, work hard, and be pragmatic, and create a new situation for the company's reform and development. More than 80 people attended the meeting, including Chairman Wang Yongjie, General Manager Zhang Jihui, Party Branch Secretary and Deputy General Manager Liu Fei, Party Branch Full time Deputy Secretary Li Wei, Deputy Managers Li Shengli and Zhong Zhun, Union Chairman Guo Yantao, and all cadres and employees.

      Chairman Wang Yongjie delivered a speech to the conference, expressing full recognition and heartfelt gratitude to the company's leadership and all cadres and employees for their hard work and progress over the past year. He also extended sincere blessings for 2024 and earnest wishes for the vigorous development of the enterprise to everyone.

      General Manager Zhang Jihui delivered the 2023 Administrative Work Report, titled "Diversified Development, Seeking Innovation, Cohesion, and Starting a New Journey". The report reviewed and summarized the company's work in 2023 from the aspects of business performance, diversified development, management innovation, work implementation, and party building integration. At the same time, it objectively and comprehensively analyzed the current situation and deployed requirements for key work in 2024, This has pointed out the direction and provided guidance for the company to do a good job in the current and future period.

       Subsequently, Deputy Manager Li Shengli and Deputy Minister of Finance Zhang Yuru respectively issued the "2023 Safety Production Work Report" and the "2023 Financial Work Report".

      The full-time deputy secretary of the company's Party branch read out the "Award Decision for 2023", commended two advanced departments, eight exemplary individual and five people who had obtained qualification certificates, and issued medals and award certificates, encouraging all cadres and workers to work hard again, and constantly promote the company's development to a new level and create brilliance in the new year!

       At the end of the meeting, advanced representatives made statements and stated that they will always maintain a good spiritual outlook and full work enthusiasm in the new year, devote themselves wholeheartedly to work, have confidence, forge ahead, and continue to strive for a better tomorrow for the company!

       The path of struggle is long, and steady progress leads to great success. Looking ahead to 2024, there is a long way to go for reform and development. Let us firmly believe in moving forward, inspire the power of progress, and sharpen our practical work style. Guided by the annual work report and with high-level professional construction as the focus, we will closely focus on the company's key work, take the initiative in innovative development, seek breakthroughs in hard work, break through difficulties in improving quality and efficiency, take the lead, face challenges, bravely climb peaks, and create new achievements and brilliant achievements in reform and development!

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