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Xi 'an Tap Water Second Engineering Co., Ltd


Address:20 Huancheng West Road South Section, Xi 'an City

Corporate Activities

“Read the flowers, read the Silk Road.”

Author:servicer Time:2024-04-29 11:41:22 Views:3035

    In order to make full use of this opportunity to further enrich the spiritual and cultural life of party members and cadres and stimulate their reading interest, on April 25, the zero th “Xi'an reading month” was held, our party labor group co-organized a reading and sharing activity with the theme of“Seeing flowers, reading the Silk Road together”. The leaders of the company, all party members, department heads and business backbones participated in the activity. The activity site everybody mutually recommended the favorite book, shared respective reading sentiment, together in the reading and sharing process increases the knowledge, the expansion thought.

       Li Wei, the full-time Deputy Secretary of the party branch, commented on everyone's sharing and experience of reading.

      At the end of the event, cultural and creative souvenirs and books were distributed to all participating party members and workers.

   “Most of all, the book can go far, the belly of poetry from China.” The book sharing activities so that we read together, share knowledge, common growth. The company will also take this event as an opportunity to further stimulate the enthusiasm of cadres and workers to study, to promote regular reading activities, long-term effect, to create a book-filled corporate atmosphere.

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